Olinda Prison Exhibit: From Prison to Honor


The Makawao History Museum, located at 3643 Baldwin Avenue in Makawao is proud to announce its newest Exhibit, entitled “The Olinda Prison: From Prison to Honor, 1926-1973”.

The Olinda Prison served as a rehabilitation center for pa’ahao (inmates) of Hawaii from 1926 to 1973. The Camp included 3 dormitories, a gym, and a hobby shop. It was located on Olinda Road in Makawao, the site of the present Maui Bird Conservation Center.

During its existence, the pa’ahao were used for road work and to eradicate and help fight gorse, an invasive species that threatened the beautiful and lush vegetation of the Upcountry hillsides. One of the primary programs conducted at the prison during the Honor Camp era was training pa’ahao in woodworking crafts. In fact, some of these became the most talented island woodcarvers of the time.

The exhibit displays some examples of the wood carvings produced at the Honor Camp, the jail door to the solitary confinement room, and other artifacts of the prison.

The exhibit is open for public viewing from 10 am to 5pm Monday through Saturday, 11am to 5pm on Sundays.


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