Lion Dance at Makawao History Museum

Would you like to feed a Chinese dancing lion for good luck this year, or take some pictures with the family and a mighty lion? Makawao’s 25th Annual Chinese New Year’s Lion Dance Celebration takes place Saturday, February 4th from 10am to Noon at Baldwin and Makawao Avenues.

Au’s Shaolin Arts will present a martial arts demonstration before performing the Lion Dance. It wouldn’t be New Year’s without fireworks and we hear there will be plenty. Setting off fireworks and making thunderous noise with symbols, drums and gongs drives away evil spirits and negativity. The lion symbolizes courage, power, stability and superiority. He dances and undulates, and rapidly moves his head and eyes to signify vitality and longevity. He swishes his tail back and forth to brush away unwanted things from the previous year.

Follow our celestial friend as he weaves his way down the street to the museum, and gather with us to usher in good fortune to all in the upcoming year. We hope to see you there. Gung Hay Fat Choy!


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