Digital Exhibits

The Olinda Prison: From Prison to Honor
Nestled on the quiet mountainside of Haleakala¯ sits the old Olinda Prison Camp…

Honoring the Life of a Cowboy
The Makawao History Museum honors the life of a true cowboy, Le Roy “Blondie” Freitas 1939-2015

Po'okela Church
The Po`okela Church is one of the oldest in Hawaii, formed in 1843 by Rev. Green…

Kitada’s Kau Kau Korner
One of Makawao’s oldest businesses, Kitada’s conjures a heartwarming reminder of days gone by…

Tutu's Suitcase
…(We) were honored to partner with students from the Montessori School of Maui Middle School to create a brand new exhibit…

Makawao Music
Maui was known for its “bragging” mele written beginning in the late 18th century, honoring its beloved places…

The Komoda Story
Takezo Komoda emigrated from Japan in 1907 as a 19-year-old with $10 in his pocket…

The Crossroads USO
Nearly 200,000 Army, Navy, Marine, Coast Guard and Seabee service people flooded Maui...

Never Idle
She was a powerhouse when it came to doing good for the people, from leading the island’s suffrage fight…

For the Love of Gail Ainsworth & Her Cherished Books
The Makawao History Museum is honored to participate in celebrating National Book Lover’s Day on August 9, 2020.

Makawao: Why This Place Matters
In honor of National Preservation Month, MHM presents this virtual exhibit on the origins and revitalization of Makawao town…

Maui Branding Irons
The exhibit highlights the history of Branding Irons and their unique designs shown both by the irons themselves as well as their demonstrated…

Grandma Vovo’s Kitchen
“Vovo’s Kitchen,” based on Alice Tavares’ book “Hub of My Wheel” gives you a taste of Portuguese life in Upcountry Maui around 75 years ago.

Honoring Three Upcountry Women
In honor of Women’s History Month, Makawao History Museum presents the following virtual vignettes about the lives of three upcountry women…